It is Charles Goodyear, an American hero!! If you ever wanted to know anything about the man who invented Vulcanized Rubber--the stuff tires are made out of--just ask Melissa or Alec!! The 5
Th grade class at
Oakdale Elementary does an extensive project about American hero's. Everyone does research, a large poster, a report and then dresses up as the character they are assigned! On Halloween they come to school and stand in front of their poster and hold
completely still until someone
pushes the button next to them. Then they begin to talk in first person as that character. To say Alec took this serious would be an understatement. I walked into his class, Joe ran up to him and gave him a hug, and I was trying to talk to him. He didn't move. Now as a mom I am actually quite use to being ignored, but this was on a new level. Another Mom tapped me on the shoulder and said "push his go button" and Alec immediately started talking as if he was Charles Goodyear--"hi--did you know I am the
inventor of Vulcanized rubber!" and so on! His performance was amazing. When done talking he went back into his
catatonic state. Finally his teacher walked over and said he could go on break. Blood rushed back into his face!! We went for a walk outside, the suit was hot! He said "my
stomach is upset, maybe it is a touch of stage fright Mom!" He did such a great job. I am so proud of him! It was also exciting because a couple of the news stations covered the Wax
Museum show also. Alec was in the background of 1 shot!!
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